If you have ever taken photos using your smartphone, then you might be familiar with JPEG and PNG. Both of them are image file formats that can be viewed on your screen without any issue. If you have searched for the difference between JPG and PNG online, then this article will help you out! JPEG […]
How does png deal with transparency
We’ve all been there: your image shows up in a browser, but it’s not what you expected. It’s blurry, or see-through, or some other weird thing. How does this happen and how can we fix it? Well, let me tell you! Is PNG see through background? PNG images are not see-through. This means that a […]
Will you go out with me yes no maybe
Hey, it’s me. I know. You probably don’t remember, but we’ve met before. We had coffee one time and you told me about your work and that was nice. Anyway, I’m writing to see if you want to go on a date with me? Yes or no? Maybe? I mean, the answer is yes, but […]
Is SVG the best image format?
SVG is short for Scalable Vector Graphics. It’s an image format that can be scaled without losing definition, making it ideal for use in website design. While it has been around since 1999, many web designers are still unaware of its value. In this post I’ll explain why SVG is such a powerful and versatile […]
Why is javascript used in web development
Javascript is a programming language. It’s used to make websites and web applications work. It was created by Brendan Eich in 1995. Javascript can be used on its own, or in combination with other languages like PHP or Ruby. It is also not a compiled language like most programming languages. It is also not a […]
How fast can you make money blogging
If you’ve ever thought about starting a blog, this is a good time to do it. Blogging is one of the best ways for new writers to make money online. In fact, some bloggers are making six figures in their first year of blogging! But how long will it take? And how much can you […]
Is online food delivery profitable
Online food delivery is a booming industry, with hundreds of thousands of new customers every year. People love ordering their groceries online and having them delivered to their door—but they also want to know how profitable it is to start an online delivery business. Fortunately, the answer is yes: if you’re careful about your pricing […]
What to do if you touch a poisonous plant
It’s easy to confuse poisonous plants with harmless ones—for example, poison ivy looks a lot like regular oak leaves. But identifying poisonous plants in your area so you can avoid them is crucial: touching certain kinds of plants can result not only in severe itching but also nausea and vomiting. What do you do if […]
Being a Jain, is it wrong to play shooting games?
Introduction Jainism is a religion centered around non-violence, truth and being truthful. It originated in India and has over 6 million followers today. It can be difficult for people to understand the concept of Jainism if they have never studied it themselves or if they have not read about it from reliable sources. This article […]
What invention will be popular in 20 years
When we look at what has been invented and become popular to date…. what invention will be popular in 20 years, which inventions do we know about, Invention of the telephone, the invention of the camera. So when we look at the areas where people are struggling today or might be struggling tomorrow we will […]