Why is jpg smaller than png


If you have ever taken photos using your smartphone, then you might be familiar with JPEG and PNG. Both of them are image file formats that can be viewed on your screen without any issue. If you have searched for the difference between JPG and PNG online, then this article will help you out!

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, and it is the most popular one in terms of use.

  • JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, and it is the most popular one in terms of use.
  • The reason why JPEGs are smaller than PNGs is because it’s a lossy format—it compresses the image by throwing away some data that your eye can’t notice. This means that if you save an image again using the same settings (compression level), then you’ll get a larger file size.

JPG files are smaller in size as compared to PNG.

While the main reason for this is that JPG is a lossy compression format and PNG is lossless, there’s another reason you might want to use PNG.

The file size of a PNG image can be reduced with the help of an alpha channel. An alpha channel lets you choose which parts of your image are transparent, allowing other content (such as text) to show through them. If you want to include both text and icons in your graphic, then PNG may be a better choice than JPG because it will allow you to save on storage space by removing unnecessary information from the image file.

The quality of JPEG is not as good as PNG.

  • JPEG is a lossy format, which means that some of the data is lost during compression.
  • JPEG is great for photos and other images with lots of color and detail.
  • PNG is a lossless format, so it maintains all image quality but is generally slower to render on the web (depending on your browser).

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics, with so-called “lossless” compression.

PNG is a good choice for storing line drawings, text, and iconic graphics at a small file size. It’s also useful for screenshots because it has no compression artifacts when you zoom in. The JPEG format includes a “quality” setting that lets you trade off file size for image quality. The ideal jpeg works best for photographs and realistic images, especially those with lots of colors.

PNG is a good choice for storing line drawings, text, and iconic graphics at a small file size.

PNG is a good choice for storing line drawings, text, and iconic graphics at a small file size.

You can use PNG to store line drawings, text and other images that contain areas of flat color. There are some restrictions on the kind of images that you can save as PNG files: PNG doesn’t support transparency or animation like GIF do; however it supports 24-bit images with an 8-bit alpha channel (RGBA).


I hope this article has given you a better understanding of the differences between the two formats. If you’re still not sure which to use, I would recommend trying out different types/formats of images and seeing what works best for your project. People also looking for JPEG to JPG compressor.

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