Are you a content creator finding it difficult to write engaging content for your audience? If so, you have come to the right place. In this article, you are going to find various ways to get more engagement on your content and boost social shares on your content.
Creating content isn’t really a problem. Anyone can do so with the right mindset and interest in the subject for the content. While your content certainly affects your social shares, it is not the sole reason for the lesser number of shares on your content. When you are getting less traffic via social media, it could mean one simple thing – people are not reading your content.

Here are some secrets on how you can write content that can get your more social shares. These are secrets based on experimentation done on various forms of content. The most common factor among all the experimentation on content engagement was “the headline”. While many people read your headline, there are only a few who actually engage with your headline and go ahead to read the full content. Therefore, if you want to get more eyeballs on your content, you have to ensure that you are getting interesting headlines for the piece you are writing.
To further elaborate on this point, let me share with you some tips on how you can write engaging headlines :
1. Keep your headline length moderate.
A word count of five to seven words is ideal for headlines. Long headlines are somehow overwhelming for readers. It could put people off. Hence, they wouldn’t read it and therefore there won’t be any share on the content. On the other hand, if you are keeping your headline too short, users won’t even understand what your content is about. This is another reason for lower click-through rates and a low number of shares on social media.
2. Use adjectives in your headline
Adjectives in your headlines can make the context more precise and people will want to know more about it. It can hold the attention of the reader’s for longer. If you do not really understand how it is going to help you, give it a try yourself, you will know what I mean.
3. Create amazing content
You may be an impressive writer. However, if you are not constantly improving and using new tricks to make your content interesting, you might not see good results in the long run. There are various methods to make your content more appealing and interesting to your readers. You can even use tools like vaporwave text generator to give your writing an interesting look. Tools like the vaporwave text generator are easily available on the internet and you can use them to make interesting texts and fonts in a matter of seconds.
These tips and tricks will definitely make your content more interesting. This will eventually make your content worth sharing on social media platforms. If you are wondering how quickly this is going to happen, let me tell you that it is not something that can happen in a matter of days. It may take a while before you understand how exactly this works. So, start off right now – keep testing and keep seeing the improvements.